Staff Directory


Photo of Stefan Dykema

Stefan Dykema

Phone: 403-361-2202

Vice Principal

Photo of Jill McDonald

Jill McDonald

Vice Principal - Indigenous Arts 6, Foods 7

Phone: 403-361-2202 ext 4898

Administrative Assistant

Photo of Jennifer Brown

Jennifer Brown

Phone: 403-361-2202

Photo of Angie Cox

Angie Cox

Phone: 403-361-2202

Teachers - Elementary

Photo of Nicole Brandt

Nicole Brandt

Homeroom 2A

Photo of Jodi Carlson

Jodi Carlson

Homeroom 2B

Photo of Mona Funk

Mona Funk

Kindergarten 1

Photo of Dawne-Marie Hunter

Dawne-Marie Hunter

Homeroom 3A

Photo of Rylan Lammle

Rylan Lammle

Homeroom 3B

Photo of Carlie Laslo

Carlie Laslo

Homeroom 4B

Photo of Monica Major

Monica Major

Homeroom 4A

Photo of Shauna Payne

Shauna Payne

Homeroom 5A

Photo of Rylie Pringle

Rylie Pringle

Homeroom 1A

Photo of Lindsay Sanden

Lindsay Sanden

Homeroom 5B

Photo of Leanne Sauve

Leanne Sauve

Kindergarten 2

Photo of Laura Taplin

Laura Taplin

Homeroom 1B

Teachers - Junior High

Photo of Zane Anderson

Zane Anderson

Homeroom 6A - Grade 6/7 LA, Entrepreneurship, Baseball Academy

Photo of MacKenzie Bain

MacKenzie Bain

Homeroom 6B - Grade 6 Math & Social Studies, Grade 7 Robotics

Photo of Ashley Berreth

Ashley Berreth

Jr High Math, Grade 6 Science, Foods

Photo of Jillian Gron

Jillian Gron

Teachers - Junior High - Science 6/7/8, Art 9

Photo of James Kaye

James Kaye

Phys Ed K-9

Photo of Cheryl Libby

Cheryl Libby

Jr High Health and Learning Support

Photo of Colleen Neale

Colleen Neale

LA 7/8, Social Studies 8, Health 6, Photo 9

Photo of Kaitlyn O'Donnell

Kaitlyn O'Donnell

Math 7/8/9, Science 6, French 8, Strategy 8, Soccer Academy

Photo of Joseph Sergent

Joseph Sergent

Social Studies 7/9, Health 7, Phys Ed 1/2 & 7, Baseball Academy

Photo of Julie Wallace

Julie Wallace

LA 8/9, Social Studies 8, Art 9, Film Studies 8


Photo of Vicky Wegener

Vicky Wegener

Librarian - EA/Librarian

Educational Assistants

Photo of Kristen Dean

Kristen Dean

Educational Assistant

Photo of Chelsey Hanna

Chelsey Hanna

Educational Assistant

Photo of Karla Murphy-Kemp

Karla Murphy-Kemp

Educational Assistant

Photo of Deb Wheeler

Deb Wheeler

Educational Assistant

Photo of Kristen Wilson

Kristen Wilson

Educational Assistant

Resource Consultant/Counsellors

placeholder image for Lindsay Jensen

Lindsay Jensen


placeholder image for Serena Smygwaty

Serena Smygwaty

Educational Consultants


Photo of Claudia Gonzalez

Claudia Gonzalez

Custodians - Head Caretaker

Photo of Paterno Maiso

Paterno Maiso


Photo of Roland Santos

Roland Santos
