
At George Freeman School, learning is our top priority. Student success in all subject areas is taken seriously and teachers are constantly formatively assessing students to identify areas of strength and growth so that teaching and learning can be tailored to best meet student needs. Students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 have elementary generalist teachers. Students enrolled in grades 6 through 9 have subject specialist teachers. At all grade levels, summative assessments are outcomes-based.

All students follow the Alberta Program of Studies. Courses in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies are complemented with art, music, health, and physical education. In addition to the traditional core subjects, a number of options are offered for our Junior High students. French as a second language, Entrepreneurship, Foods, Outdoor Education/Environment and Sustainability, Art, Drama, Robotics, Film Studies, and Fitness some of the classes available for students. Please see the CTF options page for more information about Options courses.

Please contact us if you have any questions about academic classes. We are happy to share more information with you!