Dawne-Marie Hunter

Homeroom 3A
My grandmother said “Teaching is the best job in the world!” so often that I hoped to be a teacher from a young age. My career began in 2006 on Prince Edward Island after attending St. Francis Xavier University and the University of New Brunswick for my Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Education degrees. In 2009, my husband and I moved to Northern Alberta to teach. While working in a rural Kindergarten to Grade 9 school, I learned the value of strong relationships between the school and the families it serves. After seven years in the north, Strathmore became our home in 2016. Now, I’m thrilled to spend my days learning and laughing with Grade 1 students at George Freeman School. In addition to having the best job in the world, I have three incredible children who love reading, travelling and The Toronto Bluejays as much as I do. Grade 1 is a year of miraculous learning for kids and I love encouraging them to start small and think big!