Welcome to George Freeman School Hot Lunch Program and thank you for supporting us to provide funds for extra events or needs at our school!!!
Every year you must register your child on the HotLunches website as they move grades
1. Click “Click Here to Register” under Login.
2. Fill in your information with the ACCESS CODE: GFHL. It is important to fill in an email address as this is where your notifications will come for reminders that Hot Lunch is Open/Closed and the menu for your child that week.
3. Your Preferred User ID and Password can be whatever you choose and will be the SAME to access both menus.
4. Once all fields are completed click “Register Now”
5. You will then be taken to the page where you will register your child(ren) by choosing the correct class/teacher or grade. Click on “Profile” then “Add Student”. Do this for each child.
6. Now that you are registered, you will receive an email every time the system opens for ordering. If the system is already open you can place an order right now.
- Credit card on the hot lunch website
- EMT/e-transfer:
- GFS send to
- Note: Childs Name or User ID
- Password question: What is our (current) Principals name?
- FAIM send to
- GFS send to
- Cash/Cheque to the school office. Please print the Remittance form or note your User ID. Cheques made payable to GFSC OR FAIM Cafe to be received at the School office by the cycle close date.
You can switch between GFSC and FAIM menus by clicking on the "Home" button.
**Remember you must make and pay Separately to GFSC or AIM Café.
If you need assistance or have questions email our volunteers at